Friday, July 24, 2009♥
come back to me...
Just finish talking to prince
The one who really cares about me
The one who is always there for me
The one who always makes me smile when im down
Thanks for everything prince
Princess how are you today??
Princess how's this how's
Hahahahaha so cute
Thanks for being there for me prince
Even your prepaid low,you'll find a way to called me
To check if im doing fine and everthings okey
So sweet of you prince
No good morning message from you tomorrow =(
Hehehe its okey i understand
Message me when you top up your phone already k prince
Princess dy waiting hehe
ghetto gerl out
[12:29 AM]
Wednesday, July 22, 2009♥
come back to me...
Where's kimberly uh???
How is she??
Miss her
No matter what,you are still my friend Kimberly
I still remember all the jokes
Miss hanging out with her
Today,i was late for my Malay listening compre
supppose to be there at 4.30
But i reached there around 4.40
10 mins late only hahaha
Dont asked why i late okey
Lazy to talk about it
Now i feel so left out
How i wish kimberly was here
At least i dont feel left out
We always create stupid jokes
Laugh and laugh like nobody busniess
Miss all that
Now Fit and Nad are and item
So cant really hang out with them
Coz boyfriend and girlfriend comes first
Then friends
Like duh,how could i forget about that
So got nobody to hang out with now
Sad uh??
Haiz what to do Everything has change now
At least i still have prince
But its different
Forget it la
I dont feel like writing anymore
Got no mood suddenly
Dont know why
ghetto gerl
[11:20 PM]
Sunday, July 19, 2009♥
come back to me...
what happened to Aidil sey
Miss chatting with him kat MSN
He angry with ke??
What i do??
Maybe he thinks i dont care about him
Coz i never message him
I do care about you Aidil
Sorry k i tak message you
I busy la
Bukan i tak nak layan you
And im not sombong
We still can chat kat msn rite??
But you always away je That time i message pun you tak reply
I cakap hi kat MSN pun you tak reply
Its okey la if you angry with me
Im really sorry Eden Aidil!
Really sorry my freind!!!
[11:27 PM]
Monday, July 13, 2009♥
come back to me...
Hey I'm back
Nothing special happen this days i guess
But i wanna share something with you guys
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for
That handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy
Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
They are always there for me
I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship
I love all of them
Nadia-Funny,crazy,caring,love to sing
Fitri-Funny,crazy,love to sing
Eden Aidil-Funny,cute,Naughty,Friendly
They are my world's biggest treasure
I wouldn't exchange them for anything else in this world
Coz they are very precious to me
Eden Aidil
[12:07 AM]
Wednesday, July 8, 2009♥
come back to me...
Lazy to write uh
Just post today pictures tat i took la
[12:20 AM]