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Wednesday, March 31, 2010♥

come back to me...
A relationship will crumble into dust
For any loving couple without trust
'Trust me' she said
Only trust was not implanted in his head
'Trust me' he said
Each minute his phone rang
'Trust me baby' she sang
Placing down his phone with a bang
With each 'Where did i go wrong? ' question
'Trust me baby', was all she would mention
With each 'Who am i to him? ' question
'Trust me', was her mode of explanation
And his expression!
Was not one of passion!
But of a man on a mission
To make a certain decision
'My friend relax', so his friend said
'Your face looks taxed, trust each other', the friend said
Listen I think you need to read just
Equip yourself with some trust
Or end up hating each other with utter disgust
Or this feeling they have for each other will oxidize and rust
Before their relationship goes bust
Till today till 9months they've been together
There is no trust
They’ve not found what actually they wanted in this relationship
Stay strong was what all their friends said
People who fall in love are caught in all it's glory and beauty.
The thrill of a kiss can send one's soul flying into the clouds.
But when we are afraid, or doubtful of the amount of trust we have with our beloved, the once beautiful love will fade away into oblivion.
It seems no matter where you are in a relationship it's always lacking trust, and like a key opens a door, trust is what opens a heart.
Without trust you begin to worry day and night somehow gaining insecurities within yourself that makes you question the love you two share.
You start to feel unworthy, you have so much to say, will there ever be trust or just that constant pain, because of those feelings there's an emptiness in your heart. you feel it's easiest to just move on, but you wonder if you'll ever find a love so strong, so just take his hand, put your trust in him, because love without trust isn't love at all.....

[8:25 PM]

Tuesday, March 9, 2010♥

come back to me...

This video done by me...
all those memories =)
Now all gone

[10:39 PM]

come back to me...
the difference between friends and true friends..

[2:12 PM]

Saturday, January 23, 2010♥

come back to me...

Suatu yang indah
Ceritanya bermula semalam
Andainya dapat ku rasa selamanya

Tetapi ku takut tidak mungkin dapat kumiliki
Walaupun kau hadir hanya dalam mimpi

Ku teruskan hidup
Hari demi hari pun berlalu
Seksa dan derita ku tanggung sendiri

Apa yang tinggal hanyalah
doaku padamu Tuhan
Pasrahku hanya kamu yang menentukan

Pun tak pernah ku sesalkan
Kecewa datang dan pergi
Tinggalku sendiri

Ditakdirkan aku syukur selalu
Sesungguhnya aku tahu
Temanku hanyalah aku

Semoga suatu hari nanti
Dapat ku temui
Penawar dukaku yang berdarah duka
Pabila bertemu pasti aku suarakan rindu
Laguku untukmu buat selamanya

[5:27 PM]

Thursday, December 3, 2009♥

come back to me...
Jangan pernah katakan bahwa
Cintamu hanyalah untukku
Kerna kini kau telah membaginya
Maafkan jika memang kini
Harus kutinggalkan dirimu
Kerna hatiku selalu kau lukai
Tak ada lagi yang bisa kulakukan tanpamu
Ku hanya bisa mengatakan apa yang ku rasa
Ku menangis membayangkan
Betapa kejamnya dirimu atas diriku
Kau duakan cinta ini
Kau pergi bersamanya
Ku menangis melepaskan
Kepergian dirimu dari sisi hidupku
Harus slalu kau tahu
Akulah hati yang telah kau sakiti
Ntg got to do with my ex
Not even my past relationship

[1:53 AM]

come back to me...
Ku berdiri sendiri
Dibisikkan ku sepi
Dihatiku ini
Derita yang ku alami
Apakah cinta kita
Hanyalah tinggal sisa
kuterima siksamu
Yang dilimpahkan padaku
Kumengharap kau kembali
Maafkan kesilapanku ini
Pemergianmu telah ku sesali
Kupohon kau maafkan daku
Ku janji setia bersamamu
ku berjanji takkan ku ulangi
Dengar rayuanku
Maakkan oh kasihku
Yang kau bina cintaku
Yang ku hancurkan segalanya
Kini aku sepi
Tanpamu kau disisi
Tak sanggup aku berdiri
Menerima hakikat ini

[1:37 AM]

Tuesday, December 1, 2009♥

come back to me...

cute rite all this baby pictures!!!!!

[9:45 PM]

its me♥

Chocolate addict
Shopping freak
Dimple freak
Purple freak
Adores her bestfriends
Loves:Fitri,Radin nadhrah,Saqira,shireen,My babes and dudes from JN1004D and ----
MY tumblr:http://sweet-sugary-memories.tumblr.com


♥ Good results
♥ someone?
♥ chocolate


cbox recommended


September 2008
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010

Click to see my past :]

Escape ♥

wei kiat
xiang wei
thomas wong
lydia izzati
ira danira


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